Lex’s Life Hacks So Far…

Honestly, I am amazed that I have been able to make it this far with my life hacks. It has definitely been a fun journey, and I’ve loved being able to try lots of tips and tricks that I otherwise would not have done if it weren’t for this blog. Above, I have a video of pictures of life hacks that I’ve found. Some of them should look familiar!

Just in case you want to see all of the life hacks I’ve talked about so far, here’s a compilation list of every blog entry that I’ve done. Continue reading

Would You Really Do This (Pt.3)- Arts & Crafts


What is this picture!?

a. absurd items I bought on Ebay

b. household items made out of recycled containers

c. some thing my roommate designed

d. new wireless technology

Today, I tested another life hack that I found online. This one involved taking an object and turning it into something else. Not only did I want to see if this life hack was actually possible to produce, but I also wanted to test whether it was useful or not. For all you eco-friendly readers out there, you should definitely check this out!

So if you guessed B, you were correct!

Continue reading

Many Uses of Kool-Aid

What if I told you that Kool-Aid is more than just a refreshing, thirst-quenching beverage?

To be honest, I don’t drink Kool-Aid very often. I’m more of a Tang fan myself, but who can’t resist a boost of flavor for only 10 cents? There are so many different flavors, (and colors) to choose from! I’m sure everybody has tried Kool-Aid at least once in their lives, and lots of people have some packets of Kool-Aid somewhere in their kitchen cupboards. I found these packets in my apartment hiding on top of my refrigerator. Continue reading

Kool-Aid Toilet Cleaner

My apartment is home to 3 female college students in addition to myself. My roommates and I are often busy, so it’s not often that everybody is at the apartment all at once. I always love it when all my roommates are together, we have a lot of fun even if we just end up talking for hours. Despite all of us being busy, my roommates and somehow manage to keep our apartment in order when it comes to keeping things clean. But what ends up happening is that our apartment gets neglected of some major cleaning. Continue reading

What is a “Life Hack?”

According to the Oxford Dictionaries, a “life hack,” or “lifehacking” is an informal noun meaning: a strategy or technique adopted in order to manage one’s time and activities in a more efficient way.

Here’s another definition from Don Schenck: A “lifehack” is a technique or idea that helps or prevents you. For example, putting your car keys in your leftover bag of lunch at work will prevent you from going home without your leftovers.

Any useful idea can come from someone else, or it can come from one’s own creativity. Continue reading